Saturday 15 November 2008


Hahaha! It's like, 2 degrees (positive), and it's snowing - the biggest snow 'flakes' I have ever seen! They're all the size of golf-balls, and I swear I saw one nearly tennis-ball size a minute ago! It's so funny - cos they're so big, you can see them dropping down for miles up in the sky. Where ARE they coming from?! :D


K said...

Weirdest thing? We're getting similar weather here in Melbourne! ;)

nomis said...

This thread is useless without pictures...

tania said...

i was at work! and since then it's pretty much been gorgeous weather, so I haven't even been able to take photos later on, and pass them off as 'contemporaneous' with the post!! :p

nomis said...

Well next time it snows you need to catch some and bring it home in a chilly bin (that's an esky to you) to provide authentic ambience at our christmas party!

tania said...

or maybe i can grab some from canada, when we go skiing and snow-boarding there next week :D