Sunday, 10 June 2007

To subscribe to my blog, so you'll know when I've added stuff

1. From gmail click on the arrow next to MORE, then select READER.

2. There is a drag-n-drop bookmark that you can put in your bookmarks toolbar. It shows up as 'Next >>'

3. When you're at a blog or page with the little RSS icon, or a page you think you'll want to follow from a distance, push the subscribe button. Then push SUBSCRIBE TO THIS FEED once you're inside GReader.

Easy peasy. (thanks brent!)


Anonymous said...

But you haven't made your blog an RSS feed yet have you?


tania said...

if anyone can explain how to do that, I will!!

Anonymous said...

I think it might describe it somewhere here, but... i had a bit of a look and cried, cause it's incomprehensible! Good luck!
